Explore Your Spiritual Journey

Find your answers to these questions (and so much more!)

Are you seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself?
Are you feeling lost, confused, or unsure
about your spiritual journey?

Do you wish you had someone who
could help you navigate the complex and often 
overwhelming world of spirituality? 

Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
What do I want?
What do I want?

What do I want?
What do I want?

What do I want?
What is my purpose?
What is my purpose?

What is my purpose?
What is my purpose?

What is my purpose?
What am I grateful for?
What am I grateful for?

What am I grateful for?
What am I grateful for?

What am I grateful for?
How may I serve?
How may I serve?
How may I serve?
How may I serve?
How may I serve?

Spiritual Journey Companion

Your spiritual journey companion is a trained professional who can guide you on your path to greater spiritual discernment and awareness. They can help you discern between different spiritual practices, beliefs, and traditions, and help you find the path that is right for you.

With a spiritual journey companion, you can:
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your own spiritual beliefs and values.
  • Learn how to discern the difference between helpful and harmful spiritual practices.
  • Explore different spiritual traditions and find the one that resonates with you
  • Receive support and guidance as you navigate difficult spiritual experiences or challenges.

Cultivating a Deeper Sense of Connection

At its core, spiritual discernment is about cultivating a deeper sense of connection with the divine and finding meaning and purpose in life. A spiritual discernment coach can help you do just that, providing you with the tools, resources, and support you need to achieve greater spiritual clarity and understanding.

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It's a Process (not sessions)

Our spiritual companion model is designed to provide a profound and life-altering transformational journey. You will co-create a spiritual adventure together with your spiritual companion. Structured yet flexible, extra sessions can be added to an existing program to meet your specific needs, address a specific situation or further integrate a particular step.

So, if you're feeling lost, confused, or unsure about your spiritual journey, consider working with a spiritual discernment coach. With their guidance and support, you can find the clarity and direction you need to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know ...

1. What is Spiritual Journey Companion?

Inclusive ~ Genuine ~ Listening ~ Accepting ~ Contemplative ~ Wise

Spiritual journey companions support the unique spiritual journey of every individual. They are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental. They are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice. They are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.

Spiritual journey companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including Spirit, God, and no name at all.

To put it another way, spiritual journey companionship can help you get closer to the insights that already lie within you.

2. What are some key factors to look for in authentic spiritual journey companion?

Key factors to look for in an authentic spiritual journey companion include:

  • Attends regular spiritual direction for self
  • Receives supervision by peers and teachers—and is responsible for her or his work through that direct supervision
  • Shows respect for the the capacity of individuals to act independently and make their own free choices
  • Follows universal ethical guidelines, summarized as “Do no harm”
  • Finds support and is accountable in a community setting.
  • Inspires others to explore and embrace: trustworthiness; vulnerability; openness; courage; faith; integrity; transformation
  • Integrates values into daily life, such as: nonjudgment, inclusion, contemplation, compassion and service for the common good

3. What is the difference between spiritual director and a spiritual companion?

They often do very similar things. The difference often arises because of training, spiritual tradition or simply an intuitive sense of the practitioner, who chooses the name that he/she/they feel best fits their calling.

Many spiritual directors honor this traditional name for its history and because their training is in spiritual direction. Many spiritual directors also come from a faith tradition where the term can connote certain religious beliefs as well as core ideas of companionship like respect for the agency of the other and honoring contemplative “space” for discernment.

Other people have trained in spiritual direction but prefer to call themselves spiritual companions, spiritual guides, soul friends, anam cara, or give their spiritual care other names. Some might smile and quote Shakespeare and say: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

5. You don’t have to do it alone.

As we attempt to unspool our own discernments, the mystery might seem elusive, even daunting. But the good news is, you don’t have to approach it alone. With a spiritual companion, access to this mystical connection with Spirit, the infinite, the ground of all being, the Universe, beyond the beyond, or however you might choose to describe it, can become easier.

The mystery begins to reveal itself. 

As we finally bathe in the infinite, we will have found our way home, describing the indescribable, thinking the unthinkable, pondering the imponderable, and experiencing something far beyond ourselves.

The adventure begins when you are ready!

Meet Your spiritual journey companion

Rev. Pamela (Pami) Parker

Internationally known as a dynamic and compassionate spiritual companion, interfaith minister, and life coach who's passion is to help and guide those she serves to reach their goals and create the life they desire. Her practice implements a holistic approach to conscious (mindful) living. 

Pami currently serves as the Conscious Center Academy director, ensuring quality programs, products and services are available to our community.

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