The Power of Awareness

Join Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield for a free Video Training on the Power of Awareness and overcome negative self-talk, the unconscious "trance of unworthiness," and other limiting beliefs.

Register for this FREE Video Series and Learn:


How to develop “lovingkindness” and see the inner beauty of those around you.

Circle of

How to expand your “Circle of Affection”—don’t forget to include yourself!

Trance of Unworthiness

How to overcome negative self-talk, the unconscious "trance of unworthiness," and other limiting beliefs.


How to honor suffering in your own life with awareness and compassion

About Your Teachers

Tara Brach holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and teaches meditation internationally. Founder and senior teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC (IMCW), Tara is the author of the bestselling Radical Acceptance and her latest book, Radical Compassion. Tara's weekly podcasts are downloaded over 1.5 million times each month.

Jack Kornfield has been teaching meditation globally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness practices to the West. He is co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. His 16 books have sold 1.5 million copies. He is a father, husband, and holds a PhD in clinical psychology.

What Our Graduates are Saying 

I truly felt a calmness after each lesson. And a new level of understanding myself in relation to other people. We all struggle, long to feel long, and we can all connect through our shared humanity. I am able to less reactive to the triggers in my life.
I've been able to deepen my practice in ways I didn't think I was capable of. I'm so grateful for [Jack and Tara]. They taught me to be patient with my mind and to trust in my breath. A blessing to be guided by such experienced and heart-centered teachers.
Tara and Jack are wonderful teachers and they have taught this course with such love. I loved every minute of it and I hope that all those reading this sign up for it, as it will enrich your life and teach you so much.

Welcome to the Power of Awareness
A 7-Week Transformative Mindfulness Training Course

The Power of Awareness:

Transform Your Life with Awareness, Compassion & Well-Being

Write your awesome label here.
The present moment is the place from which your entire reality is created. Your relationships, home life, work, and experiences all spring forth from your thoughts, feelings, and actions that occur in a string of infinite moments.

However, most of us live our lives running from task to task, distraction to distraction.

We wake up each morning with an endless list of “to-dos” and go to sleep feeling like we didn’t accomplish anything meaningful.

We meet and interact with many people throughout our day but yearn for a deeper sense of connection and intimacy. We are tossed around by the ups and downs of our emotions and the events of our lives and accept this as “normal.”

And even though we have the intention to take time for ourselves and to meditate, these often get put at the bottom of our lists because life simply takes over … but it doesn’t have to be this way. 

When you understand the transformative, healing power of mindful awareness, you dramatically shift the experience of your life, the people in it, and the world itself.
Are you open to fully living in a state of peace and joy, moment-to-moment?
Are you ready to feel truly vibrant and alive and let go fo the negativity and blockages that have held you back?
Are you ready to create the life and existence you know is possible and waiting for you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we invite you to experience The Power of Awareness, an in-depth mindfulness training program created to help you take the next step in your personal and spiritual evolution.

You’ll learn valuable mindfulness skills and tools, develop a regular meditation practice, receive community-based mentoring throughout the course, and obtain a Certificate of Completion from the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute—all while you experience the power of awareness to transform your life and the world.

The Power of Awareness Training Program

 Certificate of Completion

Enroll and Receive:

26 Video Trainings

Jack and Tara will guide you through weekly videos focused on mindfulness concepts, practices, and instructions.

Community Mentoring

Be part of an ongoing online community mentoring group and join weekly community mentoring calls, facilitated by experienced  mentors.

Lifetime Access

Receive lifetime access to all video trainings, guided meditations, workbooks, and bonus materials - the entire course is yours to keep for ever.

Certificate of Completion

Receive a certificate from the University of California, Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute.

Guided Meditations for Self-Healing

In this bonus meditation program for self-healing you'll learn:
  • The Healing Presence
  • The Healing Temple
  • The Healing Power of Love

Meditations for Emotional Healing

This audio program is a collection of insights and practices for bringing compassion, clarity, and understanding to your emotional life - instead of expressing or repressing it in unhealthy ways. 

Course Curriculum

The Power of Awareness 7-Week Course was created with YOU in mind. It is designed to be a transformative mindfulness training that gives you a system you can use for your own personal growth and transformation.

Additional Courses at The Conscious Center Academy

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